Outdoor Gear Small Backpack Bag Outdoor Sports Travel School Uni Luggage Women
This outdoor gear small backpack is perfect for the modern worker for increased mobility and flexibility. You can pack everything you need for school or work with its multi-compartment storage design. The lightweight design and padded back support ensures extra comfort for long periods of wear. This bag would be more suitable for women, teenagers, students or kids.
- High density robust plastic parts
- Heavy duty self-repairing zippers
- Reinforced double stitching to withstand heavy usage
- Fully waterproof material that keeps bag and component dry at all times
- Spacious multi-compartment storage design
- Padded shoulder straps for extra comfort
- Adjustable shoulder straps for different heights
- Side mesh pockets
- Top carry handle
- Lightweight
- 1 x Backpack
- Red
- Blue
- Black
Material: Nylon & Polyester
Dimensions (H x W x D): 34cm x 28cm x 20cm
Weight: 0.55 kg
Capacity: 12 Litres
***This bag is relatively small, please check dimensions before purchasing.